Yoko Ono's Cut Piece Of Modern Contemporary Art

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Art is a medium that has no rules or requirements. Artists use huge arrays of strategies to convey deep messages and make the viewer ask new and unanswered questions. One of those strategies being “incompleteness”. As an artist myself I feel that every single piece of art has a degree of incompleteness. I could practice a piece of music for my entire life and as the performer I will always find something that I want to improve. Modern Contemporary art is even more so considered incomplete because of the technology we have today that allows us to change, edit, and reorganize our art. Instead of the piece of art being defined by its’ completeness the incompleteness of it becomes part of the art. My personal favorite piece of incomplete art is …show more content…

It creates a relationship between the artist and viewer that blurs the distinction of the two. The artist will provide something for the audience, like Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece” in this case it was herself kneeling with clothing. The audience then in turn cut all the clothes from her body. This gives both the viewer and the artist an opportunity to take something away from the exhibit, whether it was a feeling or a message. The artist has her clothes removed by strangers with scissors which is a new experience and the viewer cuts clothes from another human, both of these are not normal situations we encounter every day. Historically art is something that you look at and contemplate but humans all learn differently. Instead of just looking at art interaction opens up all of the other senses to be stimulated. Art is about experiencing and learning new things and interactive pieces re-define what an audience can take from an artwork and what an artist can provide to an audience. Another fantastic example of this is Erwin Wurm’s “One Minute Sculptures” these exhibits ask viewers to perform a simple task for 60 seconds but more often than not these instructions are quite odd forcing us to experience something new and offering some introspection. Like listening to your shoe or taking of your pants and putting them on your arms and head. All of these things are used in art to convey a message or an emotion or something in

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