Year Round School Research Paper

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‘‘Camp is one of the few institutions where young people experience and satisfy their need for physical activity, creative expression and true participation in a community environment’’ Says Dr. Scales. The traditional calendar is the best method of schooling because if students had year-round school they would have to pay more, there would be more people at vacation spots and, sadly students would have no summer camps.

Having year-round school would cause students to pay more money to attend. During the middle of summer the temperature is higher than at the begging. So we would have to pay more money for air condition to keep us cooler. The school would also be using the lights more with the school not being officially closed over the three weeks so we would need to change the lights more.

There would be more people at vacation spots. There would be less time to go on vacation over the summer because summer break would be spread out over the year. Also most people prefer to go to the beach over summer break because it is hot and they can cool down in the ocean. With year-round school the vacation days won’t be so spread out over the summer. Also you may be thinking be thinking well at least I can go to theme parks and such during off season and it will be cheaper. It is only off season because kids are in school and they don’t want to …show more content…

Lots of research has shown that summer camp tends to help kids in there everyday lives. Kids don’t learn this curriculum in school. Summer camp is also when the parents have the time all to themself without the kids. When else do they have this rare accuranse. Think about it the parents having to deal with there misbehaving cute little monsters. Then the kids disrupting the clean quit house you had for nine weeks and instead of sending them of to summer camp with year-round school would have to keep the parents on toes and on high

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