Arguments Against Year-Round School

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Research Paper
The thought of going to school year-round is dreadful for many students. The idea of no summer vacation scares them. Over the years, many schools have debated whether or not to switch to a year-round calendar, which eliminates the summer break in exchange for several shorter breaks throughout the year. This would replace the traditional calendar, which has a summer break. The debate rages on whether or not schools should have year-round school. The differences between the arguments for and against year-round school are striking, and they deserve a thorough investigation.
There are many arguments supporting year-round school. One major argument is that students do not forget what they learned over the summer because there is no summer vacation. Research shows that year-round schooling helps students learn quicker and it keeps the students and teachers refreshed. In year-round schools, students do not forget what they learned because this schedule gets rid of the long summer break. According to the National Association for Year-Round Education, “a long vacation is …show more content…

Although after learning about it, many people change their minds and have positive things to say about year-round education. The Cooper family moved to a new school district that choice to use the year-round calendar. The family hated the idea when they first learned about this, but after learning more they loved the idea of year-round schooling. When they learned of the schedule, they “quickly became converts” (PBS). They also love that they can go on vacation whenever they want: “We can go on vacation in September” (PBS). Students and teachers like year-round better too. Studies show that there are higher student and teacher attendance, as well as less drop-outs in year-round schools. After learning more about year-round schooling, many people love it and have only excellent things to say about

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