Workplace Violence in Canada

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According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2013), workplace violence epidemic in Canada is so concerning that health care professionals are at great risk for developing health problems and nurses may even leave the profession sooner than planned. Within this paper, I will explore the concept of workplace violence and the following three issues of negative impact of my psychological well-being, decreased self-esteem and a sense of powerlessness. In my paper, I will also provide a brief description of a clinical situation from my past nursing experience. I will also discuss the relevance of the topic as it relates to me personally and professionally. Then, I will identify, discuss and analyze three issues within the clinical situation and I will use theory to substantiate the points discussed. I will also discuss how my future practice may be influenced by my clinical situation and I will conclude based on what I have learned during the development of this paper.
Description of the Clinical Situation
An example of a clinical situation from my past nursing experience in which I was the victim of vertical violence occurred at MCI The Doctors Office, a couple of months after obtaining my first job as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN). My experience of workplace violence was in the form of verbal abuse which left me with numerous mixed emotions. The lead physician at the clinic whom I will call Dr. T yelled at me in front of other physicians, staff and clients because I triaged a patient and wrote the information in the wrong chart. The manner in which I was insulted left me feeling helpless, emotionally scared and with a decreased sense of self-worth.
The process of triage in the walk-in-cl...

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When I triage a client, I usually address the

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