Workplace Reflective Essay

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The workplace can be an equally intense and competitive learning environment. Employees are constantly being judged on their capabilities and benchmarked against their peers. Continuous improvement programs are essential for employees as they strive to better themselves and gain an edge. Education, or the transmission, acquisition, creation and adaptation of information, knowledge, skills and values, is a focus of my sustainable development.
In order to protect my employability, I have decided to take charge of my personal development. I have discovered that as I participate in learning activities, they allow me to be more valuable and able to adapt to the changing requirements of an organization or industry and provide me with a competitive edge in the job market. I simply begin the process by analyzing what areas of my job I find most difficult or want to improve, and use various methods to achieve these goals (Johnson, 2014).
A tactic that that I currently use is benchmarking the job market. …show more content…

Another area I employ is to consider improvement of softer skills such as communication skills, leadership, or handling conflict in the workplace. As I look to climb the career ladder, developing people management skills becomes an absolute priority. The role of leadership and supervision in American business is gaining increasing recognition. Just as society looks for a leader to define its purpose and lead it forward, business is concerned with the selection and development of people who can set their enterprise apart from its competitors. A new trending strategy that I have recently received training on is the concept of coaching rather than managing. Practical training and coaching are particularly effective, especially if the learner is supported when they come to apply those skills, through one-on-one coaching or a supervised network (Grant,

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