Work Safety Proposal Essay

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Worthington industries number one priority the route of our plants in the world is work safety. Safe workplace doesn 't happen by accident they happened when you have a frontline workforce in management working together cohesively to make our facilities safe as possible. There are many things that employees can do themselves to provide themselves with a safe workplace. By providing training and involving different frontline employees and safety planning meetings will help everyone who is involved. The following safety proposal may present an untapped opportunity for the company and reduce injuries drastically.
Working with our environmental health and safety officer along with our plant superintendent we have proposed new safety behavioral
With the reduction of claims will improve the bottom line for our employees. Worker 's Compensation claims affect quarterly profit sharing checks. This can be a great motivator to have employees work safe throughout all of our plants. Each workstation has a 6S board. The six S stands for sort, straighten, sweep, standardize, sustain, and safety. Each workstation has different procedure and purposes, so each board will be different. This method improves housekeeping and standardizes work to make each workstation have a better workflow and makes employees work more efficient and less stressed. Sorting the work station to remove all materials that are not needed and that particular area and leave tools and equipment that needed for the job. Straighten the work area and place the tools ergonomically to reduce unneeded movement and reduce stress. Sweep the work area to keep the area clean is not just to make the area looks but it ensures that the equipment is functioning properly and reduce downtime. During the standardization state the previous stages are uniformed. Sustain to ensure the ongoing application and development of this initiative. The final S is Safety, we now focus on safety aspects of our job, reviewing any potential
With the implementation of the new safety program this can correct unnecessary stress and muscular skeletal injuries. As mentioned before, one example of a B.R.I.T.E. pinpoint is lifting with proper lifting technique 's. With the new safety program, it will create new behaviors that will be implemented and using proper lifting techniques will become second nature. Incorporating the new safety program will benefit the company and workers. Other examples of benefits are "less absenteeism in the workplace, improved employee health, satisfaction and productivity in the workplace (Clement, 2014, p.

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