Wood Or Furniture Part 2-Mod Podge Video Analysis

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The YouTube video, Transferring Graphics to Wood or Furniture - Part 2 - Mod Podge, by Sharon Hankins is informative and insightful because the author demonstrates how to transfer lettering or symbols to wood or furniture in order to create upcycled décor. This video is meant to target a variety of people of all ages. The analytics of the video and how it reaches across the YouTube community can be linked to the thesis that these posted videos are a part of a larger social media community rather than just YouTube. The author’s objective is to document how she restores and paints furniture and other bits of home decor. She is a retailer for Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint and Fusion Mineral Paint products, but she also uses other Furniture Paints. The usage of these products advertises for other companies, as well as gives the author some credibility if she’s using reliable …show more content…

“Today, with instant, global, full spectrum communication possible through dozens of media, we are indeed a global village…” (Kovarik 253). This video clip is a great example of this passage. Not only is the video on YouTube, but it can be found on Pinterest.com, as well as Google.com and the authors own website: http://i-restorestuff.com. It shows that these videos can target one audience—the people solely using YouTube—yet target another audience using Pinterest. Because Pinterest is searched for an abundance of DIY projects, many including canvas paintings and vintage signs, this tutorial is bound to pop up when searching how to apply lettering to a surface. The audience on Pinterest is quite broad—ranging from kids to adults—which allows for different perspectives when engaging in the video. To emphasize the thesis, once a video is posted on YouTube it can be embedded to a link and pinned to Pinterest.com, searched on google and found through the author’s

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