Wonder Woman Research Paper

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A movie is supposed to be a reflection of the reality. If it is a fictional movie, it may portray human’s desire and should be towards the good deeds. According to the book, movies influence the society in terms of social, cultural and morality. Research has shown that people can remember a surprising amount of what they had seen in movies as movies place a distinct impact on the society. In this paper, I discuss the movie Wonder Woman and how it changed the stereotype of women in the film industry. I also analyze the influence of this movie and the controversy caused by the actress.
Wonder Woman was introduced in DC Comics’ All Star Comics #8. In July 1942, Wonder Woman became the first female superhero to get her own comic book. The author …show more content…

According to the book, the media provide socialization in a variety of ways, such as through role models in entertainment programs, through the goals and desires, through the citizenship values portrayed in the news, and through advertisement of products that may be useful to us in different stages of our lives. Using movie as a medium of mass communication, “Wonder Woman” has completed socialization through the main character. Wonder Woman as described in the movie is a strong, independent, and courageous woman who is willing to fight for justice. The reason why Wonder Woman socializes the community is that she has portrayed an image of a female soldier so distinct. From my perspective, Gal Gadot, the actress who portrayed the character is not only a superhero, but she has become the role model in the …show more content…

If there are many male superheroes, such as Iron Man, Batman, and Superman, female superheroes rarely got any attention from the public and they only tend to play supporting roles for the male ones. For a long time, movie makers have always focused more on producing male characters as they bring more profit in general and the reality has proven that. Thus, the fact that Wonder Woman has her own movie is groundbreaking. It proved that the diversity in movies is vital. It has the purpose of bringing people of all background into the industry to make it more integrated. Gadot made a significant mark in the female empowerment. “Wonder Woman” has spread more power to women in the fight for feminism. It is a meaningful message for all women out there, especially for girls. It is proudly to present to them their female superhero as a role model. The profit and recognition of the movie proved that not only male is the dominant group. It has altered the stereotype and has shifted the role of women to a new

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