Women's Soccer Team Video Analysis

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The group dynamic and team cohesion among the 1999 Women’s soccer team was unbelievably superb. In the video, after so many years of being apart they all came together again. Each complementing each other in conversation, almost as if they were never even apart. Within each team there are formal and informal roles, which is not any different than the U.S. Women’s soccer team. The Women’s soccer team had bench players, those who did not play as much as other teammates. Some would consider them to have informal roles. They would only come in when somebody needed a breather or if someone was injured. Others on the team such as Joy, Brandi, Michelle, and Mia all had formal roles on the team. The person that had a huge role was Mia because she was considered the star athlete on the team. She was the person that all of the media wanted to talk to, the one that was on the front pages of newspapers, and she was the face of the sport. Mia did not really want that role but she took on the role for her teammates and the fans. That ties into role acceptance and clarity. Mia …show more content…

The Women’s soccer team was task cohesion because they were all working together to achieve a common goal. That goal being to when the World Cup and wanted to make people look, watch, and respect women sports and athletes. Social cohesion within the group was strong because they all had a tremendous amount of respect for each other. Nobody in the group once felt left out or that they did not belong, because everybody was very inclusive. Whenever they were in a tough situation they all trusted each other to move on and get out of the bad situation. After the loss they had in the 1995 World Cup they all came together and wanted another shot. Never once did anyone leave the group, despite the hard loss. That goes to show that even though they had the goal of the World Cup, the team itself did not fall apart and everyone stuck

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