Women Raped By Their Husbands Research Paper

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There are two stories about two different women who were raped by their husbands. It will describe how much they were in love and enjoy one another. It took one day that the husband started beating the wife (1977 case) she couldn’t believe that her husband would do such a thing. She got scared did not know what to do back then. The husband came home and did not like what she had done and force him on her. What kind a person does something like to her telling her sister as she ran away from him while he was sleeping? She was scared the only place was to her family which was right down the road. It didn’t take long until she got to hers sister house and asked what happen. I explain and told her that he raped me. The sister and I did not know how things did back then. …show more content…

The 2007 case is similarities because they both were beaten by their husband and both got away. It is tragedy that women have to be mistreated in certain way. The other women was hit and raped by her but she ran to a shelter that is how things got good with her because back then they did not care. When it was reported to a completed stranger she did not know who this person was but need help. The difference is that one went to her sister house as the other went to a complete stranger and needed help send both to the doctor of occurs but the first case the judge just threw it out because there was no real case to their knowledge on hand. The other person was taken to the hospital and then asks the women have you ever press charges against your husband? She just side and did not realized that things like that can happen to innocent people. The other women that filed charges had her husband were sent to jail. The first case she pushed but to me it wasn’t hard to prove in cases like that. The reaction is that why couldn’t they look at all bruises that was on each of their body. Sometime that can be clue that there is some physical

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