Rape Case Study

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1 in 5 women will experience sexual assault as an adult (cite). To me, that statistic is mindboggling. I’m not sure people are really aware of the fact that in our society women are raped every single day or maybe they are aware but it doesn’t truly affect their lives until it happens to them or someone they know. Rape is a serious crime. I’m not sure there is a worse crime than rape. Rape is when one person violates the personal space of another. More times than not the attacker is male and the victim is female. With rape not only are you at risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases but also your piece of mind is taken away. Women can experience symptoms of PTSD after being raped. Rape is crime where the act in itself is awful, but also dealing with it after is very painful as well. If our society were more knowledgeable about rape maybe it wouldn’t happen as much. Knowing the difference between the different characteristics of a serial rapist versus a single victim rapist could potentially help women or men identify their attacker, if they know what to look for. This may be more of a struggle for if the attacker is a stranger or a one-time offender, but if women are able to give details about their attack, this could help the criminal justice system find these criminals after the fact. In this paper, I will explain and critique three different studies that were conducted comparing and contrasting serial rapists and single-victim rapists.
In one study 66 male offenders had been tested. The sample was nonrandom and selected thirty-five serial rapists and thirty-one single offenders. The data was collected from records of the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. This study looked at the background characteris...

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... articles had extremely similar results. Which allows us to think that the information in the studies is very reliable. Rape is not only a hard topic because cases may go unreported, but it’s also because it leaves the victims emotionally distraught. Getting women to be able to participate in a study is probably the last thing they want to do. No woman wants to have to explain her attack and relive that time again. And yes, researchers could just get their statistics from different law enforcement records but I think that if we actually studied the victim and got first hand knowledge from them, our data would be that much more accurate. Depending on what area one is studying, the records can only tell you so much, and it is all hearsay. Having the personal experience in the research, I think would be very helpful in understanding the attacks of each type of rapist.

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