Wolves Argumentative Essay

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In Wyoming, lawmakers pushed through bills which ceded control of wolves to state governments. This was the first step in what was to become a long debate between ranchers, environmental groups, indian tribes, rural citizens, and numerous other players in the arena of wolf conservation. Conservation groups are opposed to any modification of the status of gray wolves in the eyes of the endangered species act, a law which effectively banned hunting seasons for the wolves. The wolves were historically pests to farmers and a serious danger to rural citizens, and were hunted and trapped for sport and for their fur. By the 1930’s, gray wolves were essentially extinct in the northern rockies region of the west, comprising mainly of the states Montana, …show more content…

With hunters groups, they support the delisting of wolves since it provides a source of recreational opportunity for sportsmen. For example, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation wants wolves to be removed from Elk habitats since Wolves reduce the population of elk in hunting areas. It is important to note that Wolves were reintroduced by the USFWS in large part due to the excess of elk damaging wild habitat and vegetation. On the opposition side of the spectrum when it comes to wolves and the rocky mountain habitat are environmental and animal rights coalitions which conduct lawsuits, protests, and lobbying in order to prevent wolves from being delisted in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. For example in 2007, the USFWS wanted to delist wolves from the Endangered species list, but environmental groups such as the Nature Conservancy, the Natural Resources Defense Fund, and Environmental Defense sued to block the delisting, on the grounds that Wyoming did not have an adequate management plan for the hunting of Wolves

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