Wolf Spiders Characteristics

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Wolf spiders belong to Lycosidae family which means wolf. This spider has eight eyes and because of this, its vision is excellent, and it can easily communicate through the eyes. The other species may hunt their prey from the vibration sound, but this species is entirely different because it trails after seeing its prey. The eight eyes are arranged in 3 rows. The first row consists of 4 eyes; these eyes are small in size. The second row comprises two big eyes and the 3rd row also ha two eyes, but they are medium in size. This prominent and noticeable feature instantly distinguishes them from other spiders.

They also possess markings or lines of colors on the body. They do have a sense of touch but on the acute level. The length of this spider …show more content…

The abdomen has a raised position, and in this way, it saves the egg casing from any harm while moving to the ground. In spite of this little bit of difficulty, they can efficiently hunt their prey. Sometimes it is also found that female spiders carry their young on their backs until they are grown up enough to capture alone.


The wolf spiders don't build a web as other spiders do. They live outdoors usually on the ground but as winter season sets in; they can be found inside the buildings. They can be seen around the doors, windows, and garages. Some also build temporary burrows. Since they have no permanent place to live, they are sometimes seen in fields, woodland or other grassy areas.


It is also known as a hunting spider because one of its characteristics is the ability to hunt on the ground. It doesn't pray in the morning. The hunting mission is done at night. This spider does not live in groups. It likes to live and hunt alone.


They don't make a web, so they like to hunt crickets, mealworms, cockroaches, grasshoppers and some species of frogs. …show more content…

You will need to knock down the webs and ensure the eggs are gone. An excellent way to do this is to sweep up the webs with a sweeper and then dispose of the bag or dump the canister outside.

Other Ideas to Try

People often come up with great ideas to help get rid of pests, and that is true about getting rid of getting rid of wolf spiders. Here are some of the many ideas that people have offered on how to get rid of spiders in your home:

- Keep eucalyptus around the house because spiders do not like the smell. - Cats are great spider catchers. - Use an ammonia solution on windows to repel spiders. - Place hedge apples around your home. - Use lemon scented pledge to dust with.

Get Rid of Hiding Spots

Wolf spiders will seek out wood and wood products, like cardboard. They also can hide in clothing items or under almost anything. Be sure to reduce the amount of clutter you have. In areas like attics, basements, and closets you should keep sticky traps to catch any wondering

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