Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Essay

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Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Many people think of heroes and think of them as characters who help and save lives. Yes, that is a correct and simple definition of what a hero is. In a fictional world heroes use their special super powers to save and protect lives from alien invasion trying to conquer planet Earth. Medical professionals are no different in the sense that they too help in protecting and saving lives. They use their special powers to fight off alien microorganisms trying to invade your body making you sick. Medical professionals use many ways to diagnose, cure and care for patients. Technology has made a tremendous advancement and has improved the lives of many people. One major technological discovery that has helped to diagnose patients …show more content…

But In November 8, 1895 a moment that revolutionized the world of Science, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen had discovered what he called X-rays. He was working in his laboratory operating one of Crooke’s tube which is the main source of cathode rays. The room was dark and when he exposed the rays he noticed that a paper made of barium platinocyanide was glowing. Rontgen try the experiment several times until he concluded that it was a new kind of ray rather than just light or electricity emitting from Crooke’s tube. He also concluded with his experiments that different kind of materials had a different degree of penetration depending on the density of the material. As he continued with his experiments he placed his wife’s hand on a image receptor and exposed the hand with the x-ray. The image was developed and was another proof of the discovery of x-rays when her hand showed the bones along with a ring she was wearing. During this time, Rontgen and his fellow colleagues didn't know about the fatal consequences of radiation. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen died in Munich, Germany in February 10, 1923. The reason of his death was carcinoma of the intestines. Coincidence, probably

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