Adolf Hitler Essay

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World War II was one of the worst events in human history, but also one of the most influential. For those who dont know, World War II was started by the German Empire, and more specificaly, Adolf Hilter.

Adolf Hitler was a young Austrian man who adored the German way of life, he thought they were such strong people. Before Hitler became the ruler of Germany he was in prison for treason in April 1924. Though this was certantly an odd start for the soon to be ruler of Germany he made the most of it. While in prison Hiltler started composing a book, titled Mein Kampf or My Struggle. Upon discovering and reading of Hitler's book he was released early after serving only nine months of his five year sentence. Following his release Hitler pursued the position as the ruler of Germany.

Hitler made his way into the lime light and soon was appointed to the second highest position in the German government (chancellor). Hilter was a very popular politician because he wanted to restore Germany to its pre war glory, something that many German citizens wanted as well. Once he was settled in and everyone was feeling comfortable around him he put out the idea that once the current keader resigned or died the next person on the ladder would step up to fill his place. Hitler, of course was the next person on the ladder and soon becam the Dictator of Germany. Althoought the people were happy hitlers plans would soon surprise the world.

The Nuremburg Race Laws; discriminatory and vile to jews and other undesirables were one of the first steps in Hitler's "Final Solution". Some laws would require married jews and non-jews to sepreate, most likely permanately. Other laws wouldn't allow the undesirables to own stores or any other buiseness. All jews w...

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... the Holocaust.

Adolf Hitler was not entriely sane, he thought he could murder millions of pople bevause they were different and he didn't like them. There have been similar occurences to the Holocaust in human history, although none quite as severe. One of these similarities were the Jim Crow laws, these laws were created under the idea "Seperate but Equal" although they were anything but equal. The Jim Crow laws discriminated against blacks by not letting do anything with or near white people, such as drink out of water fountains or eat at the same restraunt.

Without knowing how wrong these actions are someone might try to be like Hilter, racist or prejeduce against people different thatn themselves. Educating people is important, if not for education and knowledge there would be endless war, and in the words of H.G. Wells "If we dont end war, war will end us."

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