Why the Weimar Republic Faced Many Problems in the Years 1919-1923

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Why the Weimar Republic Faced Many Problems in the Years 1919-1923

From its beginning in 1919, the Weimar Republic was already facing

problems and its chances of becoming a popular and successful party

were becoming weaker and weaker. It already had many enemies and a lot

of people hated the leaders. Many people accused its leaders of

stabbing the nation in the back by signing the Treaty of Versailles

and ending the war. The leaders never got enough support and did not

handle the problems that they faced correctly. Germany lost important

land and many economics problems that arised after the Treaty as

signed. Germany had to pay reparations and, then had to deal with the

hyperinflation crisis of 1923.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on the 28th of June 1919 as a

peace treaty. The Treaty was signed at the vast Versailles palace,

near Paris, between Germany and the allies. The three most important

men present at the Treaty signing were, David Lloyd George, Georges

Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson. The Versailles Palace was thought the

most appropriate venue simply because of its size, many hundreds of

people were involved in the process and the final signing ceremony in

The Hall of Mirrors could accommodate hundreds of dignitaries. Many

wanted Germany, currently led by Friedrich Ebert, smashed. Others like

Lloyd George were more cautious.

The effect of The Treaty of Versailles on Germany was apocalyptic, it

suffered for many years after those important men put there signature

on the paper. Germany were made to suffer as much as possible, they

found themselves in trouble, with economic and political problems.

Germany had to return Alsace Lorraine back to France. The Rhineland

was de-militarized and occupied for 15 years and Danzig was to become

a free city. Germany were forced to pay 6.6 billion pounds in

reparations. There was a ban n the union between Austria and Germany.

All these terms, causing Germany to become humiliated and angry.

Germany s army was also put under restrictions and finally the League

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