Why Whaling Is Wrong

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There are many reasons why whaling is hazardous to the ocean’s ecosystem. The idea of killing mammals for profit has the same consequences as trophy hunting for animals in Africa. It portrays a negative example for humans . In addition, shipping the meat to other countries for greedy companies is disgraceful. Many popular scientific websites such as National Geographic say that “ they are slaughtered for commercial gain.” However, scientific evidence has already proved that is still not profitable. According to a recent national article, one man named Kristjan Loftson does it purely out of tradition for a big propaganda agenda ( National Geographic, 01,16, page ). People claim this is done for science. However, after another global ban, experts are saying it is done purely for money and cruelty. According to a major campaigner, “the International Fund for Animal Welfare” went as far as doing DNA tests to see what was responsible for recent whale beachings. Due to these facts, Japan’s own Ministry of Agriculture is stepping up. They have plans to file proposals for recent research along with the government ( IFAW, n.d. Parah 5). Have the facts finally persuaded like Japan and Iceland to cut back? Ignorance and greed are a big part of the blame for the diminishing …show more content…

When the whales are are shot with harpoons, they actually blow up inside the body of the whale. They do not die a sudden death. In fact, it may take several hours for the whale to die from the harpoons, causing pain and suffering. Whales are very intelligent animals. There have been many reports of the whale fighting back at ships and sinking them. However, despite these claims support for it still exists. Many argue that the eastern side of the world’s diet consists mainly of seafood. To those countries, ceasing whaling would be like Americans not being able to eat beef and

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