Why We Shouldn T Cell Phones Be Allowed In Classes

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Phones used to be attached to the wall, now you carry them everywhere. But these portable devices may soon be replacing computers in your school's classroom. Cell phones have been debated on for years. Should or shouldn't they be allowed in classes? Well in the opinion of many students they should be allowed, but not just to text each other. They may actually have a use to teachers. Such as setting a calendar for school events, or to research and to use a calculator. The first topic that should be mentioned would be found in both source one and two. The uses of phones in classroom are seemingly endless. Teachers can send text reminders and messages, student can take research, look up words, save important dates on the calendar, and use the calculator. One teacher, Mrs. Webb, said that she uses the phone's for research, to send home reminders, and for polling. Author of source one, Jason Koebler says “After seeing how engaged Webb's students are, the principal has decided to look the other way.” A good example of the usefulness of phones in my own classroom was a time when we needed a visual for a project. We looked up what we were trying to copy and the picture came out so much better …show more content…

In source one source, one we hear the teachers describing how computers cost a lot for the schools to put in, but the phone's are brought with the students and don't need to be paid for by the schools. This way the schools have more money to spend on the main education of the kids instead of the technology. Mrs. Webb talks about how she has even saved money on administrative uses. Instead of printing flyers, she just texts them to the students. Most teachers would probably agree that making and passing out flyers takes a long time. In most classes I've attended when flyers are passed out, the kids can't figure out how to get the stack all the way around the room. They are truly a waste of

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