Why Should We Not Watch The X-Files

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To watch or to not watch The X-Files, that is the conundrum. In preparation for this course in watching television, I reviewed the list of shows and asked my parents about the shows I did not know. Immediately after reading the list, my dad insisted that I watch The X-Files, for academic purposes of course. So here I am, at the end of the semester, having watched a handful of The X-Files episodes from various seasons and I cannot decide whether or not it is a quality show. The conspiracy theory nature of Scully and Mulder’s investigations along with the amatuer title slide in fourteen size Ariel font suggests that The X-Files should not be taken too seriously. However, the actors take the conspiracies so seriously that it almost seems paradoxical. …show more content…

Then, his reputation as “Spooky” in his investigations undermines his authority as well as the writers of the show (really you couldn’t come up with a better nickname than Spooky?). Similarly, Scully simply is the the diversity pick, the woman of the show, but more often is portrayed as the damsel in distress. Due to her lack of character development, I find it hard to empathize with her when she becomes threatened by some supernatural force because it is a recurrent arc and frankly, I just don’t care if she gets abducted or killed. She has no personality. In regard to the episode “Squeeze,” I thought it did not represent the series well since it did not contain any aspect of the overarching theme of aliens and it was not as intense or scary as other episodes. In fact, I do not even believe that the episode was well-written because it practically ripped off Steven King’s It; Tooms hides in the drains, comes out after long time lapses, and eats people- it seems a bit familiar, doesn’t it? Although, It’s mysterious origins and clown facade make the original story more interesting than

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