Why Schools Shouldn T Give Out Homework

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Schools Shouldn’t Give Out Homework 86% of kids at school at least get one missing assignment per month, some have a lot more. Schools should not give out homework because it causes a lot of stress, takes too much time, and kids already do enough in school. Alfie Kohn, author of “The Homework Myth” says, “Homework is frequently the source of frustration, exhaustion, family conflicts, a lack of time for kids to pursue other interests and, perhaps most disturbingly, less excitement about learning, it may be the greatest single extinguisher of children's curiosity.” My research found that teenagers have committed suicide because they felt like failures. There were more than 16 suicides a day during the 2006-2007 school year. “The sense of failure …show more content…

Research shows that being in school for seven hours a day is enough and homework does not have an extremely noticeable impact besides in stress and obesity. Students being stuck behind a desk for seven hours then being stuck behind a table for a few more is not healthy. Stress is a leading factor to getting depression, and depression can be a lifelong battle. Overwhelming students with homework now could have a bad impact on the rest of their lives. Students spend enough time in school and don’t need the unnecessary stress added on when they get out of school for the day. It is proven that homework can even lower test scores. Some homework is even irrelevant. Gerald LeTendre of Pennsylvania State University said that he and his partners have found that teachers typically give take-home assignments that are unhelpful busy work. “Assigning homework appeared to be a remedial strategy (a consequence of not covering topics in class, exercises for students struggling, a way to supplement poor quality educational settings), and not an advancement strategy (work designed to accelerate, improve or get students to excel)," he said. The stress put on students wasn’t even meant to help them, it was meant to give them something to do. In conclusion teachers need to make sure the homework they are giving is needed and won’t take too much time outside of school to complete. They also need to make sure that they are not putting too much stress on students academically. Teachers need to be certain the homework is actually going to help a student academically and help raise their score instead of decreasing a student's score by forcing them to do

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