Why It Is Important To Be Informed Essay

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“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” The words of Nelson Mandela that evokes the question in everyones mind; “Why is it so important to be informed?” Being informed is just as important as being active. Voting, volenteering, and community work are all things that the typical active citizen do. But citizens arent limited t odoing only these things. Being informed includes knowing about both the potical parties, knowing what wrong with the community so that you could be the one that tries to fix it or at least make it better. The rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens help the government balance their managment and vice versa. Performing these rights, duties, and responsibilities, they help the government stay balanced.

Citizens have many rights from the Constitiution, state and city. Our Constitutional rights give us the right to bear arms and freedom of religion, speech, petition and press. These rights are given for a reson; they help us function and they are there for you to use to your benifit. If you have something to say, say it, but in a way that it isnt hateful. You can be any religion you want to be without anyones say so. No official can …show more content…

Some duties that are required by the state of law is that an male that is between the ages of 18-25, must enlist in the army. Other small duties include obeying laws, paying taxes, going to school, and serving in court. These are things that are required by the state of law and the Constitution. The difference between duties and responsibilities is that a responsiblity is something that you should do like vote. It is not required byh the state of law. But obeying that law is a duty because it is the law to follow the law. Most of these things we do, and dont think of it as things that we have to do. Like school. Some teenagers might have thought that their parents were making them come to school not knowing that it was the

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