Why Is Writing Important To Me

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Reading has almost always been an integral part of my life. I remember way back when I was a little kid, my mom helped me learn how to read in small steps. When I was young, I did not really enjoy writing. Eventually, both reading and writing became things I enjoyed and even abilities I employed in my spare time. Reading and writing are both in my favorite hobbies, although I do not have as much time for them as I did in high school. It is not quite as fun when the are assignments, but I manage. Regardless of how or why, reading and writing have always been an integral part of my life. I remember when I was a little kid, my mom would read books to me. She was an elementary school teacher, so I guess it was natural for her. I enjoyed hearing …show more content…

I read To Kill a Mockingbird, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and the entire Sherlock Holmes series just for fun. I would be in another world with wonderful and terrible people and creatures. I laughed and cried with them just as if they were my friends. All the while, I was gaining knowledge, critical thinking, and even more mastery over syntax. I got to the point where I began writing for fun. Typing is much better for me than writing with my hands because I can do it faster. I wrote my life stories and published them on Facebook. I wrote fantasy stories, fanfictions, and poems, then posted them on DeviantArt. I do not always follow the rules of English, but I can still write very powerfully. I have made people cry from my stories and even helped suicidal people to continue fighting through my poems. I fell in love with reading and writing. These were the outlets I employed almost all of my spare time …show more content…

This has been both a blessing and a curse. Often time forced writing or reading assignments and not as fun doing so by choice or creatively. I did get introduced to amazing books like Fahrenheit 451, but it was not really enough. My first non ‘A’ class in college was English I. My teacher was not very helpful to me and this left me with a very bitter taste in my mouth towards forced writing. It felt like I was fighting a battle that was impossible to win, while at the same time slandering something I loved. Luckily, my next writing class was much more enjoyable and I learned very much in both classes. The first taught me how to write properly, while the second taught how to write creatively. Being a math major, I do not often have the need to write creatively anymore, nor do I have the time to write for fun. I read as much as I can during summer and winter breaks, but even that is not much. During the semester, I focus on my studies. All of the ways writing has effected me have culminated into me being a good student, even if I do not enjoy the work all the time. I still enjoy pictures and art, but I really don’t have time for that much either. Hopefully when I graduate I can pick up where I left of creatively, but that is yet to be

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