Why Writing Is Important To Me

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Ever started a paper late because you didn’t know what to write about or how to get your ideas on the paper? I surely can testify because any time I start a paper I have a hard time getting my thoughts into words. When I was doing interviews last week on my family and peers I seen that they had the same issue. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and thought “Thank you Jesus I’m not the only one.” Half of the individuals I talked to said they started papers late either because they didn’t know what to write about, they had a hard time brainstorming, or they just love to procrastinate. I mean let’s face it, that the main problem with any school work today. We procrastinate because we think oh yeah we have more than enough time to finish the assignment. Then the next thing you know “BOOM” it’s the due date. Is starting your paper …show more content…

The world may never know.
Writing hasn’t always been easy for me so when I see we had to write an essay about writing I was very confused at first. I even just start writing down things that came to my mind even though they didn’t make sense. This is why I really don’t enjoy writing because I can never understand what it is my teachers wants me to write about and I know I’m not the only one. My sister Kyrah McCray said she has this same issue. Even though she is only in middle school she has started the writing process also. When I interviewed her the first question I asked was “Do you like writing?” She gave me this funny look for about ten seconds and then I knew her response without her even opening her mouth. Kyrah said “I don’t like writing but I don’t have a choice because it’s in my everyday life.” For once I can see that we really are related. Kyrah also has writers block that she never can get over so she waits to start her

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