Roe Vs Wade: An Unconstitutional Laceration of Life

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Repealing Roe Vs Wade is a decision that has been controversial for over forty years. Since it was passed in nineteen seventy three, Roe Vs Wade has made its mark on Americans’ lives in a very spine-chilling way. It has constantly had an impact on society by depriving it of the intelligence of the unborn children, and it has also robbed America of a ginormous amount of income. It is unconstitutional because it ruins the right of life to all people which includes the unborn, and finally it is religiously wrong because not one human being is righteous enough to decide who gets life. Roe vs Wade has done nothing but lacerate and contaminate the American way of life, and for the sake of the United States Roe vs Wade needs to be abrogated. When
When the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence they said our “...Creator guaranteed the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all human beings”, but in the ruling of the supreme court case Roe vs Wade mothers were granted the right to end their pregnancy. William Murchison, a syndicated political columnist in the United States, said , “You emphasize the Supreme Court’s grant of rights to the woman in the early stages of pregnancy, in the process raising another question: Why just the early stages? Why not the late as well? Why not every stage? Because— and there is no other answer”(Murchison). What William Murchison is trying to say in this quote is that the Supreme Court grants the right to take an unborn child’s life away when they are in an earlier stage of pregnancy, but if a child is considered to be human at twenty two plus weeks, then why is the developing baby considered to not be human at an earlier state? Some would argue that they are not human until they can live on their own outside of the mother’s womb, so if this criteria is what makes us human, then a two year old that can not provide for him or herself is considered to be inhuman? A child can not provide for themselves without a parent’s support from the time of conception until they are considered an adult. With that in mind, the right to decide when to take a life away from another human being is given to all pregnant females, but the rights guaranteed to all humans, including the unborn babies that can not speak for themselves, are being belittled by Roe vs Wade, because it allows a woman bearing a child to decide if her rights are more important than the helpless unborn

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