Why Is Nwoye Attracted To Christianity

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How Things Fall Together For Nwoye In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the cultural collision of the Igbo society and Christianity heavily impacted Nwoye through the fact that Nwoye became independent from his father and that he discovered his true calling towards Christianity. Through Nwoye's decision of his conversion to Christianity, he became independent from his controlling father. Before Nwoye was able to build up courage to confront to his father, he was deathly afraid of his father's opinions. "Although Nwoye had been attracted to the new faith from the very first day, he kept it secret. He dared not go too near the missionaries for fear of his father" (149). Even "from the very first day", Nwoye loved the religious aspects of Christianity. …show more content…

During the cultural collision, Nwoye became attracted to the new religion of Christianity. Although just in his mind, he was attracted to Christianity, was a step to becoming a strong and independent man from his abusive father. Nwoye did not let Okonkwo's opinions towards him impact what he truly desired in his life. After Amikwu informed Okonkwo that his son was among the Christians, Okonkwo became furious. He gripped his son by the neck, screaming at Nyowe about whereabouts. "Nwoye stood looking at him and did not say a word... Nwoye, who walked away and never returned" (152). Nwoye truly showed his strength as he "walked away and never returned", proving that he has made his own decision in his life. Through his conversion to Christianity, his father decided to disown him, but this did not impact Nwoye's decision, ultimately proving that he is no longer under control of his father, thus becoming free from Okonkwo. Ending his fear from his father, Nwoye's made his own independent decision to convert to Christianity. Even though Okonkwo was enraged by Nwoye's decision, Nwoye simply remained quiet while his father was screaming at him and walked away peacefully displaying Nwoye …show more content…

Obierika spots Nwoye and asks him why he is around the missionaries and Nwoye responded, "I am one of them" (144). Nwoye decides on his own that becoming a Christian was his calling in life. He was "one of them". Nwoye truly became attracted to Christianity due to their loving and forgiving ways. His father, Okonkwo and Nwoye are complete opposites. Okonkwo was against Christianity, but Nwoye loved the Christian values and gravitated towards their ways of life. Despite Nwoye's abusive and controlling father, he was strong enough to decide for himself what he needs in his life, which happens to be Christianity. Although Okonkwo exiled Nwoye for his conversion to Christianity, it was perfect for Nwoye because he is now able to live his life how he desires and where he believes that he belongs, exhibiting independence. "Nwoye did not fully understand. But he was happy to leave his father. He would return later to his mother and his brothers and sisters and convert them to the new faith" (152). Although "Nwoye did not fully understand" Christianity, he still understood their loving, forgiving, and peaceful ways of life. Nwoye's attraction to Christianity mainly originated from his confusion of the Igbo society's rules and laws of killing innocent twins and their ways of murdering people for no legitimate reason. His decision to convert to Christianity prevails on his own opinions about

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