Why Is It Important To Get Away Essay

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Parents and children are consistently on the move. Parent’s working full time to maintain a household, children staying out of trouble with after school programs, sports, and various other activities, in today’s world we fill our time with so much stuff it is no wonder life can get so stressful. Many families lose sight of the importance of making memories, many parents don’t utilize all their paid days off each year and do not look for things to do when the kids are off of school. This is partially because many do not believe they can afford to take a vacation. It is important to slow down every now and then. You need to take a moment to get away and enjoy the little things. Whether you and your family take a vacation out of state or around the corner it does not matter as long as you are all together. …show more content…

This brings us to the next way you can take an affordable vacation, choose a destination that can include staying with friends and family. Unfortunately, this limits your destination chooses, but with a little research you can uncover many local attractions worth discovering. Visiting family and friends can make for a very memorable vacation. Surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents can make for a relaxing and enjoyable experience. If you are fortunate you may even be able to sneak away for a few hours for a couple’s night out. The biggest advantage to visiting family is being able to cut several costs out of your vacation budget, such as hotel, car rental and food, saving you hundreds of dollars. Some of my best family vacations have been visiting with family in California, Florida and Texas. By saving money staying with relative we have been able to include some memorable activities Disneyland, Universal studios, and even the Houston space station. What if all your family is still right around the corner and this is not an option for

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