Explain Why Safety Is More Important Than Freedom Essay

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A large percentage of the people in the world get no choice in their life, such as jobs, religion, or family. Instead they get to be safe. They don't get to choose a job, or even what clothes they wear. They just live how the government tells them, with the promise of safety. They can't protect their own homes or families, instead they rely on the government. Communist countries are this way. This one reason that safety is not more important than freedom can be defined more simply like this; Without freedom you can't protect yourself. Also, if someone tricks us into giving up our freedoms for safety, then that person becomes all powerful over us. Because our country is built on our freedoms and not our safety, we can keep ourselves safe. These are the reasons why freedom is more important than safety. …show more content…

People can't rely on the government always, because often enough they can't be there when we need them most. For example, if someone breaks into your house and holds you hostage until they steal your stuff, chances are nobody will know until the burglar is gone. But if you have a 12 Gauge shotgun in your house, then chances are they aren't going to mess with you. In states where weapon freedoms are allowed, violent crimes can be prevented more easily. According to www.mysanantoino.com On December 17 2012, in San Antonio, a man went into a movie theater to shoot people with an illegal weapon, and so an off duty sheriff pulled out her gun and shot him four times before he had the chance to seriously harm

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