Why Is It Important To Build A Monument?

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Monuments shape the way history is viewed. They give us a glimpse into the past and portray the lives of those they memorialize. Though all monuments take what feels like ages to make, when made properly they are stunning to behold. When a monument is undergoing construction certain factors must be addressed such as where it is being built, how it is going to look, and most importantly what the monument represents.

The location is very important when creating a monument. It needs to be the center of attention, but not in the way of everyday life. Where a monument is located can make what that monument represents all more evident. Location is a key factor when someone is trying to construct a monument, because the location can either make or break the new statue. “The supporters of the museum felt that building a museum on The Mall would enhance The Mall’s already diverse stories.” (Musser). The setting around a monument can enrich all of its surrounding and make the town a more diverse and colorful place. If you build a monument in the right location, it can change the view on the area around it making it seem more majestic. A monument can bring life to a drab old town and restore it to its former beauty. This is why when building a new monument the location should be a major factor in the …show more content…

It has to be to be fun and exciting to draw people in, so they want to come and see it. Monuments have to be interesting and accurate about what they are depicting. If the appearance is not realistic it does not draw people in. “They must stand at a certain distance to see their text panels in their entirety,” (Savage) . The appearance has to make people fall in love with the statue at first glance. It has to entice the onlookers and keep them interested. The design draws people in and makes ask questions which keeps them fascinated and wanting to know more. The appearance is a valuable aspect when you are building a

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