Synthesis Essay On A Monument

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Synthesis Essay A memorable monument is a historical structure that represents a significant person or event. They are designed to show the importance of either the person or event. Monuments are intended to last forever so the subject will never be forgotten to society. The factors that should be considered when creating a memorable monument are that the subject must be powerful and meaningful to society and the design should resemble the significance of the subject. These factors help communicate the magnitude of the individual or group’s sacrifice, as well as honor moments of great achievement in history. When creating a monument, the group or agency needs to consider if the subject is compelling enough to society. The monument has to have …show more content…

The location should have a powerful connection with the person or event being memorialized. The location of the monument should not be a random site that has no correlation to the subject. In the instance of Crazy Horse the monument that memorializes the great Sioux leader was carved out of the mountain side in the Black Hills of South Dakota. This is significant because the Sioux tribe originated in the Black Hills (Source C). The location also represents the original inhabitants of South Dakota and pays honor to them and their leader. Whereas in Washington, D.C. the Lincoln Memorial was resurrected on a site near the Potomac River. Though the specific location does not have a direct connection to Abraham Lincoln, the district is the core of the United States government and Lincoln was a profoundly important president in U.S. history. The selection of Washington, D.C. for the memorial is meaningful because is provides a communal opportunity for U.S. citizens to gather together to bring honor to Lincoln (Source A). When establishing a monument the other key consideration is the type of materials used in construction. In the Lincoln Memorial the marble used and the grand scale of the statue conveys the importance of the man. It’s not just the materials chosen, but the intricacy of craftsmanship and refinement of these “lavish materials” that

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