Why Is It Better To Snapchat Have More Privacy

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Individuals in our generation have there go to social media. Some don’t know which one is the most resourceful and convenient. Therefore, I will clarify which one is worth the downloaded. There all multiple apps to pick from. But basically, the decision comes down to Snapchat and Facebook. Both very popular in the media industry. Even though Facebook has more users and allows you to choose if your account is private or public Snapchat is better than Facebook because it has convenient stories, better privacy and makes you happier. Both Facebook and Snapchat contain stories. Stories are little pictures or videos that can be posted but only last twenty-four hours. On the other hand, Snapchat stories are more convenient and resourceful. Unlike …show more content…

People and users like this feature because it makes it less likely for their stuff to spread to strangers or people they dislike. Which also correlates to the safeness of the user because without this feature users wouldn't know where their information is going to. In addition if someone tries to send a users story to someone unadded that person will not be able to see it. Although they will be able to add them. Plus on this app, one has to be added in order to communicate with that person unlike facebook were everyone can message anyone. Another feature that keeps the user safe is that when the user logs in on to their account with another device it signs out of the previous device. So if you did not sign into any device but your own then someone else got into your account. That would be the perfect time to change the password. With that being, said Snapchat is a safer platform than Facebook. Not only does it make you safer it also makes you …show more content…

Facebook, instant messaging, and email ranked near the bottom, Snapchat outshined all the other media when it came to putting users in a good mood. Reachers say it's due to sending of send self-destructing messages, images, and video. Apparently Snapchat has much more in common with actual human interaction than any of its competitors. A study done by the Social & Clinical Psychology found out that Facebook made people depressed, anxious, and jealous of their peers largely due to “social comparison.” Although Facebook makes you depressed it still has more users. But those users are mostly the older generation. Facebook's users average age is around late twenties to early

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