Why I Want to Become a Pharmacist

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I may have not been sure about many things in my life, but one thing I knew for sure was that when I grew up I wanted to be a pharmacist. Growing up I was always interested in medicine and how it works on the body. As a child whenever I would get sick my parents would give me Chinese herbal remedies that they brewed at home. I remembered it tasted disgusting, but I would still force it down and ask my parents how this nasty liquid was going to help me feel better. It was as I grew older that I discovered that herbal remedies were not the only cure for sickness. I’ve discovered a world of tablets, capsules, liquid medications. Along with my revelation of medications, I also remembered my first interaction with a pharmacist who helped me with those medications. She was knowledge and very caring. It was from that point on that I told myself that being a pharmacist is what I want to be when I grew up because I wanted to help other people feel better just like how she made me feel. After that moment, I did everything I can to get over the past 20 years of my life to get into pharmacy school. Now that I am finally here in pharmacy school at the University of Charleston, I have realized what I need to do in order to accomplish my goals as a pharmacist. My career goals are to graduate from an accredited pharmacy school and move to Los Angeles, California to work as a retail pharmacist. Ideally I want to start off working for a cooperate company such as Wal-Mart or Costco. Then, eventually I would like to work my way up to becoming a retail pharmacy manager and then maybe even district manager of a company someday.
In order to make my dreams and goals become a reality, I have realized that there are many obstacles to overcome and skills ...

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...t I still have many weaknesses which I would like to work on and I plan to work on each of them one at a time. It has taken me many trials and tribulations to get where I am today, but while I am in pharmacy school I know there much that is still needed to be learned and discovered. I have also realized that there are also things that can’t be learned in pharmacy school such as how to have more patience and understanding when dealing with certain situations. This is something that I would have to learn from my experiences as well as continuing to educated myself as a pharmacist on my own. As I reflect on the moment when I was a little girl I hope that one day a little girl will come into my pharmacy and feel that I was the pharmacist that changed their life. I hope by then that I will have improved most of my weaknesses as well as focus on building on my strengths.

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