Becoming a Pharmacist

573 Words2 Pages

Putting together a puzzle is comparable to the road in becoming a pharmacist. It involves patience, thinking from many different perspectives such as using trial and error to find the solution. As a freshman in college, I was doubtful about what to major but suddenly one day, I witnessed my mother’s deteriorating health due to her suffering from high blood pressure. This made me feel pity and if there was a way out of everything, I was willing to take that path to help her. During my visit in Vietnam, I also encountered many close family members who were sick due to many types of illnesses. Globally, people are affected everyday by new evolving illnesses such as the swine flu and there are no cures for most of them. I understand that if they just had the right medications and treatments, they would be able to live their daily lives. According to these reasons, they have influenced me in becoming a Pharmacist, where I can aid sick people in the world, especially those who mean a lot to me and put effort into trying to reduce the widespread of these sicknesses. Pursuing a career in pha...

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