Why I Want To Be An Occupational Therapist Essay

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For the longest time I was unsure, and apprehensive about what profession I wanted to pursue. The medical field particularly intrigued me, from physical therapy to therapeutic recreation. However, occupational therapy is what caught my attention originating from my grandfather. Before I was born, my grandfather was involved in numerous surgeries on his left knee to fix torn ligaments as a result of his line of work. As time went on, the physical effort took a toll on his good knee, prompting additional surgeries. At the time, doctors suggested a bone or joint fusion surgery to help with the type of injury he sustained. It was a permanent procedure ultimately resulting in the inability to bend at the joint and making his left leg two inches shorter than his right. Everyday tasks that I had taken for granted, such as driving a car, using the restroom, and even standing for long periods of time became impediments to daily living. Having heard about this traumatic and chronic experience, it remained in the back of my mind for some time. It was not until I was 13 years old when I had my first encounter with an occupational therapist during an appointment that I …show more content…

As I have found often in my work of volunteering, the influence, the response seen, the positive emotion not in just the individuals I had the opportunity to work with, but within myself is one of the many reasons what has lead me to occupational therapy. From that first encounter, I found my inspiration and the passion I want to indulge in for years to come. I want to be that person who helps individuals to regain wellness and continuity of a healthy, long-lasting life in the same way that occupational therapist enabled my grandfather. Being admitted into this program at Salem State University would allow me the opportunity to reach my goals and be a part of a rewarding profession, providing individuals with the tools they need to excel and achieve their highest

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