I Want To Be An Occupational Therapist Essay

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More Than a Diagnosis, More Than a Profession My sister is more than a diagnosis. She received her diagnosis at the young age of two. I remember the place that I called home slowly turning into a therapy center. I would see new equipment, unique "toys," and weighted blankets that were made known. We would have "visitors" come every day and almost every couple of hours to conduct therapy sessions. I would start to hear the words ABA, OT, PT, Speech-Language Pathology, and Autism. I became inspired by my sister from seeing her go through these numerous therapy sessions. My sister gave me ambition to help her and others with disabilities. I want to assist patients just like the individuals that supported my sister through her journey. I've chosen to become an Occupational Therapist. Many people ask why an Occupational Therapist? A simple explanation is that I've always enjoyed helping others and it is something I genuinely love to do. This simple statement is exceedingly cliché as others that aspire to become an OT certainly have the same response. My legitimate feeling is that I want to be a part of something more significant and meaningful to me. An Occupational Therapist is not just another health profession that treats patients suffering from disorders and ailments. It is a much …show more content…

At times, they face obstacles that hinder them from how they function or perform daily activities like other individuals. I'd like to assist these individuals, understand them, and show them and the rest of the world that they are more than a diagnosis or medical term. My sister is described by many as an Autistic child or on the spectrum, but to me she is Olivia, and she is an exceptional individual that I've watched grow and adapt to the world. Olivia became my inspiration to follow my dream and become an Occupational Therapist, and to her I am forever

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