Why I Want To Be An Esstj Essay

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Everyone has a different personality. Some feel more extroverted than introverted and vice versa. People don’t necessarily always do things to get under everyone’s skin on purpose. A lot of the times, it’s just the way they are; their personality profile and temperament are being reflected. My test results reveal that I am an ESTJ. This means I am an extravert(25%), sensing(6%), thinking(31%), and judging(19%) person. My results put me under the category as a guardian but more specifically a supervisor. Guardians are labeled as a defender, protector, or keeper of someone or something. They are dutiful and responsible human beings. I’d like to think that others can find safety and security in people who are put into the guardian category. Just as guardian angels protect over our lives, guardians and supervisors on earth look out for everyone too. An extravert uses people to gain energy. I am usually not nervous around people and enjoy being with them. I get very upset and lonely when I have to stay at home and do nothing; I am always busy or at least try to be. For example, I involve myself …show more content…

Whenever my parents took me to a new place when I was little, such as a coworker’s house, and told me to play with the kids there, it wouldn't be a problem for me. I always begged them not to leave, so more often than not I’d end up spending the night. This was completely fine by me. But, by the next morning, I usually wanted to go home and be with someone else for a little bit before I wished I could go back. I have a tendency of getting tired of someone if I’m around them for too long but I don’t mind being with someone else. People don’t tire me out, it’s just the same single person over a period of time does. One time my parents went on vacation out of the country and I stayed at my friends’ house for four days and as great as it sounded, I was so sick of her by the end of it. I didn’t want to be, I just couldn’t help

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