Why I Want To Be A Medical Assistant Essay

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The healthcare field continues to expand rapidly every year. There has always been a high demand for medical professionals. Each year the necessity for medical professionals increases offering abundant opportunities to establish a stable and well paying career in the medical field. Among the numerous careers in medicine available is the need for medical assistants. when one wants to get indulged in medical professional without wasting years in medical college they seek for being a medical assistant in short period of time. Etymologically: medicare: to heal assistere: to stand by. "a person who, under the direction of a physician, performs various routine adminstrative and nontechnical clinical tasks in a hospital, clinic, or similar facility" . Although the duties and responsibilities of a medical assistant may differ somewhat from one job to the next but they all work to keep doctors’ offices and clinics running smoothly. In all cases, medical assistants perform the tasks physicians delegate to them with the goal of supporting the physician in providing the best care to the patients. In general there are three main types of medical assistants: clinical medical assistants, administrative medical assistants, and specialized medical assistants. Clinical Medical Assistant: …show more content…

While the job duties of a clinical medical assistant are broad, the main focus will be on the clinical aspects of the practice by clinical medical

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