Why I Want To Attend Vanderbilt University

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There are a variety of unique qualities that attract me to the College of Arts and Sciences at the Vanderbilt University. Since I began speaking at age two, my family has complained about how many questions I ask. It got to the point where they limited how many questions I was allowed at the dinner table or during a movie. Curiosity is a huge part of me, and I am proud of it. (My teachers seem to like it too.) Therefore, it is critical that I attend a school, like Vanderbilt, that encourages my curiosity and quest for knowledge. I know I would thrive in the environment that the College of Arts and Sciences creates for its students, because it is a place where questioning is welcomed. It is also important that I am able to explore a full spectrum of subjects, including psychology, biochemistry and spanish. Within the College of Arts and Sciences, I could take courses in these areas and more, allowing myself to become a well-rounded individual, which, in turn, will enable me to appreciate differing perspectives. Also, embracing diversity is necessary to make progress in the workforce, so having a wide variety of courses to explore from is invaluable. Obtaining an assorted toolbox of knowledge and skills will ultimately …show more content…

This will allow me to apply my knowledge from the classroom in the lab while acquiring critical thinking skills at the same time. The valuable lessons and skills that I can gain through research will ultimately serve as an aid to my future academic studies and will enable me to contribute to solutions of vital problems simultaneously. Therefore, I value how the College of Arts and Sciences highlights the importance of engaging in academic opportunities to pursue intellectual

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