Why I Should Be Chosen Over Other Applicants

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I think I should be chosen over other applicants because I am very experienced and I that I know what I am doing and I want to prove I am worthy of the staff rank here on depthhcf.i also think I should be chosen over applicant because I can help improve the server by getting rid of all the hackers and trying to bring down toxicness on the server. I also think I should be chosen over any other applicants beacuase I know how to screen share well and I will not only ban version clienter's but I will ban xrayers, autoclickers and ghost clients as they are cheating to get a unfair advantace over players who are playing legit and I don't think its right so I will ban them if I have the right amount of proof .For me as a trial-mod my job would not only be to help out the players and sort out chat but it would also be to show the community that I am worthy of my staff rank here on depth hcf and be part of the 'Family' here on depth hcf. …show more content…

I am very fair when helping out a player and try not to judge them by their past and try to get a clean sheet of paper with them and I treat all players with respect and with fairness and don't single out players and try to pick on them as that is unfair and I believe in fairness. I try not to rush players when helping them out in teamspeak and I let them take their time and I try to be helpful when helping players out in teamspeak, but the one acception I have is if I am screensharing someone and they have a certain amount of time to join teamspeak/open their join.me then I will give them the time I have set and if they don't manage to join in the time given I will ban

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