Why I Chose Medical School

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All students have the choice of attending graduate school or going into the workforce, after graduating from their undergraduate program. Originally I planned to attend medical school to become a general physician, after graduating from my undergraduate studies. Recently I changed my major to psychology and have found it more intriguing than expected. Although I still plan to attend medical school I would like obtain a master’s degree in psychology first. Considering the competition of medical school, if by chance I do not get accepted, then I will continue my education to get a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD.) degree. Applying to any graduate school will have specific requirements that will need to be met during undergraduate studies. Many factors contribute to decisions made while choosing graduate programs and schools, like, location, tuition, and prerequisites. …show more content…

In my second year of university I decided biology is not what I wanted to pursue. I didn’t feel that biology peaked my interest enough for me to do as well as I would like. Also I felt as though there wouldn’t be a way for me to further my career with biology, in the chance that I didn’t attend medical school. Psychology has always been an interest of mine but I did not think about pursuing it as a career until now. Psychology, unlike biology, is a subject that will have multiple careers at any level of higher education. Whereas biology you will more than likely need a doctoral degree to have a decent career. Becoming a general physician is one of the two careers goals I have had in my life, the other being a veterinarian. While in college, becoming a psychologist became an

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