Why Doping Should Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay Taking drugs, also known as doping has been recognized as a problem since the 1960s. According to https://theconversation.com taking drugs is the most common problem in the Olympics. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has banned specific types of drugs such as androgens, blood dope, and stimulants in the Olympics. Caffeine was also one of the drugs that was banned, but WADA lifted the ban in 2004. Even though these drugs are banned, athletes still use them to increase their chance of winning. Athletes who are caught using drugs in the Olympics, should be banned from all future Olympics. Doping affects all levels of athletes. Future generations of athletes may be influenced by what top athletes did. The UK Anti-Doping states that, when athletes take drugs top athletes are under a lot pressure to succeed, and that methods of enhancing performance are becoming even more advanced. According to playthegame.org, taking drugs is the opposite to the spirit of sport. A true sporting contest is between two or more opponents playing by the same lasting rules with the aim of starting the true differences in sporting skills. Taking drugs throws all of this away and makes it unfair, not fun and not healthy. …show more content…

It would put them to shame because of what the athletes did. A Canadian athlete, Ben Johnson, who is a former sprinter was caught having a banned steroid called Stanozolol in his system. He was forced to give back his gold medal. Ben also said that he was using drugs when he won the race last time, so he was forced to give back that medal as well. Years later, he competed again and was still using drugs! He was given a lifetime ban, and his mother was very disappointed with him. Ben was given 2 strike, but he still decided to use drugs and got a lifetime

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