Why Do Kids Bully Other Kids?

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One of the most asked questions is why do kids bully other kids and there are many responses is because most of the time bullies will have something going on in their home life and sometimes it might be hard to believe but the bully itself can be bullied by someone bigger and stronger than them. One of reasons why a bully can bully other kids is because it can solve all of their social problems because it is easier to bully rather than to talk it all out and fix the problem themselves so it is always important to manage your emotions and learn to solve your own problems rather than to take your anger out on someone else. Bullying to most kids is a proverbial it is an “easy way out” and sadly, some kids take it. For example look at men who are terrible to their wives by either beating them or intimidating them and also scream at their kids the reason for this …show more content…

The chain of command has always been established by force and one prime example is when you are stronger than the weaker kid the kid will stand down because they know that you are better than them so the weaker kid will cower in fear because they don’t want to be hurt. Make no mistake, kids can and will use bullying primarily to replace all the social skills that they were supposed to develop during grade school, middle school, and high school. As children go through their development stages, they should be finding ways of working out there problems out and getting along with other people rather than taking their aggressions out on other people. This will also include reading social situations, understand there social environment, and make some friends. A bully will often use his/her aggression, and some will resort to violence and verbal abuse to supplement some of the skills that they never learned in there years of school. So the way that they deal will there problems is through brute force and a lot of

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