Why Do Children Should Not Engage In Early Sports Specialization

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Participation in sports and various physical activities during childhood stimulate growth, improve health, and foster a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, youth sports participation can also establish a strong foundation for future careers in the athletic field. Today’s generation of parents are creating a trend towards extreme training in a single sport to drive their children towards Olympic dreams, college scholarships, or professional athletic careers (McIntosh, 2009). However, evidences show that extreme involvement in sports training from early age can cause negative impacts on young athletes (O’Dell & Teitjen, 1997). Due to the frequent and intensive training, young athletes become vulnerable to acquiring permanent psychological, physical, and social disabilities; therefore, children should not be engaging in early sports …show more content…

Competitive parents and coaches must realize that forcing children to participate in intense training directly leads to burnout, lack of confidence, and anxiety disorders. Furthermore, children can also acquire a higher risk of developing pediatric concussions, physiological disturbances, and unhealthy body images. Early sports specialization also causes young athletes to cultivate unethical behaviours, difficulty to facilitate close peer relationships, and fragile family relationships. Rather than promoting sports specialization, youth sports culture should be prioritizing children’s enjoyment and health through sports participation. Wayne Gretzky, a Canadian professional ice-hockey player, quoted, “Athletes can only learn by mixing up games they play when they're young” (McIntosh, 2009). By avoiding sports specification, children can establish a harmony of psychological, physical, and social well-being, which can be paramount for future

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