Pros And Cons Of Early Sports Specialization

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“Sports specialization refers to the exclusive participation in a single sport, most commonly on a year-round basis” (Kauffman). For many athletes, this means that training schedules no longer have an off-season (Kauffman). Early sport specialization is characterized by participation in a specific, intense training program for a single sport at an early age at a competitive level (“Journal of Physical Education,” n.d.). Ages that are considered for early sport specialization include 3-12 years old. “Approximately 45 million children participate in organized sports, and many participate at earlier ages with sport specialization” (Callender, n.d.). With this participation gradually increasing in the U.S. adolescents, sport specialization including Children have been involved in little leagues since the 1800’s, and with the rising problems of obesity in today’s children, I believe it is important to encourage involvement in physical activity. This could be either a positive or negative viewpoint on early sport specialization depending on how it is looked at. It is estimated that between 18 and 28 million American children are to be involved in some type of organized sports participation. However, is the number of these children who have taken to specializing in a single sport at very young ages (Kauffman). This sudden, growing increase has escalated the idea of sport specialization With that being said, I believe that early sport specialization is not the right choice for some children. A recent study of issues and concerns related to present-day school sports revealed that the coaches, athletic directors, school principals, parents of athletes, and also the athletes felt that there was a pressure to specialize in a single sport and to do so at an early age (“Journal of Physical Education,” n.d.). The pressure was said to come from parents, coaches, and the young athletes themselves (“Journal of Physical Education,” n.d.). Which seems to be very typical in today’s youth sport world. It is not uncommon for the parents and the children to observe how each other act towards a certain sport, how much encouragement they get, or how much they enjoy a single sport in general. The people who are connected to the school sports, including coaches, principals, athletic directors, etc. are not the only ones voicing their concerns (“Journal of Physical Education,” n.d.). “Journalists and sport scientists have also become worried that young athletes are becoming specialized too early and that this early sport specialization can lead to a number of undesirable effects. It is said that sport specialization in

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