Joseph Stalin Manipulation

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Joseph Stalin’s rise to General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during 1918-1928 was due largely due to his cunning manipulation. The timing of other events that catapulted him into power was a significant event in the life of the Soviet Union, although less significant were still a factor in his rise. Joseph Stalin was a man who could easily manipulate those surrounding him, specifically those with a great deal of power. THis manipulation was exercised throughout his rise, namingly when he would supply Lenin with a personalised newspaper during his weakened state. Stalin’s ruthlessness was also a major factor in his rise. The mistakes committed and death of important figures such as Lenin were a large contributor to Stalin’s ability to reach the height of power in which he did. …show more content…

In 1922 leader of the Soviet Union’s communist party, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, commonly known as Lenin suffered from a stroke. This stroke left Lenin bed ridden and thus could not actively run the party. Stalin saw this time off that Lenin was taking as an opportunity to rise to power, due to Stalin’s cunning manipulative ways he would attempt to do this. Stalin began to cut Lenin off from the outside world by carrying out small constrainments. Stalin then began to create a personalised newspaper for the ill Lenin which contained positive news. This limited Lenin’s outside knowledge of what was occurring in the Soviet Union. Once those close to Lenin became suspicious of what Stalin was beginning to do, he would explain that it was in order to help Lenin during his weak state. After the manipulative events in which Stalin had carefully planned multiple key mistakes by others

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