Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior By Amy Chua Summary

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“Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” is an excerpt from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua, a Yale Law professor. In this excerpt the author explains why Chinese children tend to be more successful in life and expresses her dislike towards Western parenting. The first idea Chua explains is a list of activities her daughters are allowed to do and not do in order to focus solely on academic progress. Second, the author demonstrates the contrast in mindset between Chinese mothers and Western mothers by explaining how Chinese mothers feel differently than Western mothers in regards to academic success and learning. Furthermore, she describes how Chinese mothers can demand things from their children. Finally, they can also say …show more content…

Hasselstrom. In this essay the author, a pacifist, explains why she feels the need to carry a gun. She begins by describing her line of work as a freelance writer and the isolated area she lives in. She then goes on to recall events from the past years where she has felt threaten or unsafe. One such incident was a camping trip she took with her friend where fellow campers made them feel uncomfortable. Another event was that of a woman who had car troubles, she called for help but reached a rapist who assaulted her. The author continues to recall more personal incidents such as being followed by men who harassed her on a narrow bridge, another man with a shotgun who made her realize how isolated her ranch was, and one evening when a light was on in her home. These events prompted her to learn Kung Fu, yet she still felt unsafe and decided on carrying a gun. Despite being hesitant at first to carry a gun it has proven to be the best deterrent when faced with a threatening situation, simply showing the gun has been enough to protect …show more content…

Will and in this essay the author challenges the citizenship status of children born to illegal immigrants. Will argues that the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to any person born in the United States, is being misinterpreted. He explains how this misinterpretation leads to the actual act of illegal immigration. For example, by essentially rewarding the children of illegal immigrants with an American citizenship Will demonstrates how this provides an incentive for illegal immigration. The author makes clear the idea that when the 14th Amendment was written in 1866 it could not have included illegal immigrants since that concept did not exist at that time. He continues by using Indians as an example of people not included in the 14th Amendment since Indians and their children owed allegiance to their tribes. Finally, the author uses a decision by the Supreme Court in 1884 that declared both person and country must consent to the citizenship; therefore, if the source is illegal then the child should not be considered a

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