Why Are Soldiers Plaguing The World

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These statistics and first-hand experiences recounted by soldiers and veterans are heartbreaking. There is no doubt that a full effort should be put forth into looking to solve these epidemics and researching ways to counteract such issues. While the sacrifices these soldiers make are unfortunate, as reprehensible as it may be, war has many times been the only solution to the problems plaguing the world.
The core values of the international community are highly regarded among nations. Generally these values include freedom, liberty, and human rights. When the citizens of a country or of a group are deprived of these rights and values, it is hard to ignore. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.” …show more content…

As Ronald Reagan described his peace through strength strategy, our military is better off being “ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost” (Reagan, 3). If action is delayed until after the fact, its efforts will be undermined. Many lives that could have been saved will be lost. Had action been taken, or even threatened, it may have dissuaded the actions and prevented the lives being taken. If aggression acts unchecked, its limits will not be set. It will have free reign to eliminate anything in its path, destroying anything in its wake. In order to protect against that, militaries must always “be prepared for peace; prepared to deter aggression” (Reagan 3). the threat of war keeps other powers in check as they are unwilling to risk it any further at the possibility of fighting. This order of security balances the powers of the nation and limits the aggression or the violations of nation’s actions for fear of reprisal. If a nation did not fear these checks and balances, their potential for misconduct would be even …show more content…

Beyond just maintaining peace, and ensuring rights, war has actually lowered the number of violent deaths and led to a more civilized society. Throughout time, war has caused civilization to become less violent. War and killing were the main motives to form governments and offer protection to citizens through law and order. Because of this the “rates of violent death fell by 90 percent between Stone Age times and the twentieth century” (Morris 3). This is not to say that the 20th century or the centuries in between have been peaceful, as the twentieth century was home to two world wars and numerous other conflicts, but simply the fact that the organization and the formation of governments has been the main obstruction to the anarchic violence that previously took place, which were all created as a result of

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