Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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“Blame” is defined as the responsibility of a fault, mistake, or wrongdoing. People resort to blame because it is natural, and easier, for humans to deny their own mistakes, rather than feel the shame and fear of taking responsibility for their own faults. This is fully supported by a quote from It’s Not My Fault: The No-Excuse Plan for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles, a book written by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. The authors wrote, “We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone or anything for their misery sooner than take the responsibility to own it and make it better.” In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the feuding families, the Capulets and the Montagues, constantly blamed each other for problems and fights that took place all over town. In the midst of the chaos, Romeo and Juliet became attracted to each other and made choices that led to their suicides. The two families found it easier to blame each other for their mistakes rather than admit to their fault and fix the damage they caused. It became clear throughout the play that the rivalry between the two families and the “young love” between Romeo and …show more content…

When Romeo and Juliet met and believed that they fell in love, the pressure of the hostility between the two families caused them to make irrational decisions that lead to their deaths. In the play, Romeo and Juliet made the hasty decision to marry each other in secret (Romeo and Juliet, 2.2.151-153). This hastiness and pressure to marry in secret was caused by the rivalry between the two families, and if Romeo and Juliet had been more careful about the decisions they were making, their deaths could have been avoided. Once Romeo and Juliet made the decision to marry each other in secret, their marriage became a harder secret to protect, and this caused more impulsive decisions to be

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