Who Is Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Famous play, Romeo and Juliet, written by world renowned playwright William Shakespeare presents many attempts to bridge the hatred between the feuding families. Romeo, son of the Montague’s and Juliet, daughter of the Capulet’s were two young lovers from disputing families. The “pair of star-cross’d lovers took their life” for each other as their love was so strong and true. Ironically, the couple both ended their lives that were led by a stream of happenings which turned out to be fate. However, someone is to blame, but, who is responsible for this devastating tragedy? Friar Lawrence is a significant character throughout the play who is considered to be responsible for the fate and destiny of the lives of Romeo and Juliet. The friar was indeed a holy and religious man - a role model for Romeo. As a role model and a mentor he could’ve tried to sort out the disagreement between the Capulet’s and Montague’s. His failure to speak with the parents and seek to ameliorate their hatred and his other They let their fears take over and chose the easy option. The lovers rushed into love which was forbidden by their parents. Most may argue that they lacked maturity, acting on their lustful impulses without any consideration. Since they are adolescences, we cannot expect anything more from them. For Romeo, his over passionate emotions in love placed him in strife, while for Juliet, the decision of being extremely loyal to her family or Romeo. On seeing Juliet’s dead body, Romeo drinks a deadly poison to be with his beloved wife: “Thus with a kiss, I shall die”. Juliet wakes from her sleep moments later to see her husband’s dead body and decides to kill herself to be with her beloved husband. Certainly, the two “star-crossed lovers” do not act responsibly as they make rash decisions without considering the results, and the consequences of such impulsive behaviour are quite

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