Who Is Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay

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Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Essay

Love isn't always easy, not everyone has a happily ever after. The play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. In the play two young kids fall in love, there names are Romeo and Juliet. They are hopelessly in love with each other but there family forbids it so they keep there relationship a secret, which ultimately results in the death. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet are caused by the Monteque and Capulet feud. The first thing responsible Romeo and Juliets death was the family feud "Blood runs here in the streets of Verona. Why? For a stupid reason-- two families are feuding" narrator (1). This quote shows the family feuds where a big part of the death of Romeo and Juliet because of all the fights and confrontation that ultimately resulted in the death of Romeo and Juliet. "What? Drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and you." Tybolt (3). This quote shows Juliets Cousin Tybolt is a big part of the feud. Tybolt is mad that Romeo came to the Capulet party. This leads to a huge fight and ultimately Romeos banishment the next day. With all of the feuds, fights and confrontation Romeo and Juliet have to go to great lengths to be with one another. …show more content…

Tybolts hatred for Romeo was a huge part of the fake suicide of Juliet which resulted in them both dying."But the Prince hears the full story from Benvolio and,

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