Who Is Gregor Samsa In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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In Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis, the straightforward delivery of the story both goes against and enhances the nightmarish qualities of Gregor Samsa’s story. This can be exemplified by, firstly, Gregor’s reaction to his transformation; “One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed into his bed a horrible vermin”. Upon noticing this shocking development, Gregor begins describing his body t the reader, along with his newfound panic that arrived with additional legs. However, the horror of the situation diminishes when Gregor begins, instead, describing the room around him (as he attempts to sit upright) and reflecting on the objects on the walls and shelves. The former sense of panic further lessens once Gregor, after noticing an “unfamiliar ache”, begins chalking up the new pain to a further side effect of his job as a traveling salesman, adding to the long list of things he feels to be wrong with the position (including, but not limited to, how little his boss thinks of him, how tight his schedule is, and how much he wishes he could quit). …show more content…

additionally, Gregor’s family’s reaction to the sudden change in his appearance drives another spike of unease into the apparent horror of the situation. They react with anger and worry upon noticing that he will be late to work, and plead with the visiting chief clerk to have mercy on him, saying that, “He isn't well, please believe

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